Sardine: The queen of Lisbon Festivities

In Lisbon, the month of June is synonymous of party and celebration. In every corner there is a neighbourhood party or ‘arraial’ where the queen is always the same: sardine! This small fish is grilled over coals and served simply with a drizzle of olive oil on a slice of bread. Keep it simple and enjoy it!
This month, when the city celebrates St. Anthony, its patron saint, Lisbon is invaded by a characteristic fog and an unmistakable smell of sardines: smells nice, smells like Lisbon, like the song!
Let yourself be captivated by the joy of neighbourhood’s parties and do not ask for just one sardine: taste half a dozen! The culmination of the Saint Anthony Festival is scheduled for the evening of June 12 to 13, with the Marches, representing the various neighbourhoods that in the evening parade down Avenida da Liberdade. After the parade the animation follows in with sardines, sangria, cherry and lots of beer.

Sardines at São Cristovão (Mouraria)

St Anthony neighbourhood’s party in São Cristovão (Mouraria)
Every street and place is ready to party in Mouraria